Horn & Hardart Automat Coffee
Branding Refresh & Package Design

Over a century ago, Horn & Hardart introduced a revolutionary new dining experience to Philadelphia and New York City with the Automat.The Automat was renowned for its unforgettable self-serve meals and the perfect drip-style brew, which poured from ornate dolphin spouts. The Automat rapidly rose in popularity, with people from all walks of life coming together with a shared sense of wonder and excitement. Roasted in small batches in Philadelphia, their Chestnut Street and Historic Automat Blends pay homage to Horn & Hardart’s nostalgic charmand long history of good, quality coffee.

Our branding and packaging refresh for Horn & Hardart features a combination of Art Deco and Mid-Century typography, design, and color combinations utilized in the company’s various branding iterations seen between 1888 through the 1960s. Nods to opulent Guilded-Aged buildings make their way into the gold monogram pattern and front panel, while the all-caps HORN & HARDART typography dons an in-line stroke, mimicking historic neon signage used by H&H.

Horn & Hardart Dark Coffee Ground
Horn and Hardart Logo

Logo Design
Stand-up Pouch Package Design

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